Medium Security Institution

En liste over kontrakter enten specifikt for fængselsafdelingen eller for hele byen. Eventuelle manglende kontrakter kan fås via registerkontoret på rådhuset.

Division of Corrections COVID-19 Protocol
Indholder oplysninger om Division of Corrections Pandemic Protocol

Division of Corrections Daily Population Summary July 12th, 2018
Daily Population Data Documents

Division of Corrections Procedures
Nedenfor findes de politikker og procedurer, der giver mandat og dikterer, hvordan vi driver St Louis City Division of Corrections.

Nødberedskabsplan for Coronavirus
St. Louis City Justice Center nødberedskabsplan for Coronavirus (COVID-19): Manual for Health Services

Inmate Handbook
Den håndbog for indsatte findes på engelsk og spansk.

Månedlige rapporter 2017
Department of Public Safety City of St. Louis Division of Corrections Månedlige rapporter om indsattepopulationen og relaterede tjenester.

Månedlige rapporter 2018
Department of Public Safety City of St. Louis Division of Corrections Månedlige rapporter om indsattepopulationen og relaterede tjenester.

Månedlige rapporter 2019
Department of Public Safety City of St. Louis Division of Corrections Månedlige rapporter om indsattepopulationen og relaterede tjenester.

Månedlige rapporter 2020
Department of Public Safety City of St. Louis Division of Corrections Monthly Reports on inmate population and related services.

Monthly Reports 2021
Department of Public Safety City of St. Louis Division of Corrections Monthly Reports on inmate population and related services.

Ordinance 71217 Final Report
Rapport om lukning af Medium Security Institute.

Prison Rape Elimination Act – PREA
Informationer om Prison Rape Elimination Act

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